Sunday, April 29, 2007
ED sch today -.-'' cuz realli got no mood or feel like gg to sch.
but i intended to stay home n self-study n...start a new life aft wat happen last ngt.. dots..
my noisy alarm clock
''tings tings TINGS'' damm loud at 6.45am n i was shaken awake frm my sweet dreams,though i forgot wat i dreamt last nite HAHAHA ^_^
then..i bathe,makan breakfast and study physics..
suddenly,my hp sounded,it was a msg,by
ms ai wee.
aiwee:one day a dog need to eat how many grams of dry food
TTL: ? ? hw i nod! Haha, -.- ? u ask me hw much slp muz a tortoise get i nod-16hrs.hahaha
lmao,i tot she was trying to ask me lame Qs so i lame back,actually is her project tat consist of tat qn..LOLZ
4/29/2007 08:56:00 PM
OH YA!last nite watch
SWIMFAN :) on chnl 5.guess its a old movie but for those whu missed it,summary of the show is manifested below :
SWIMFAN (possession leads to obsession..)-->wrong spelling i tin.. :P
Tis show is abt a
galfren and
another gal (the seducer..)..hmm,basically,tis
seducer came n seduced the
guy n came into his life by making love wit him in the pool.unable to take the sexual urge,he sexed wit her...
aft the ONE NIGHT STAND,the
guy tot can heck care the
seducer n forget tat nite,but never did he expect tat tis
seducer is more scarier n ruthless...she expected the
guy to love her n be wit her,but the
guy onli love his
hence,to get him,she gets close to his
galfren,n reveal the truth to his
galfren aft the
guy rejected her calls n love.. -.-''
galfren was knocked down by his
boyfren's jeep
BY THE SEDUCER..she landed in hospital n survived,but the
seducer disguised as a doctor n headed to her ward to end her life.
boyfren found out the
seducer true identity n her history wit other
guy,so he came up a plot to throw the
seducer into jail.
4/29/2007 08:56:00 PM
in the police car,the
seducer fired the cops,kidnapped the guy's
galfren to the pool.
Being wheelchair-bounded n weak,she was handcuffed by the
seducer and when the
guy came to her rescue,she was pushed into the pool n nearly drowned.
seducer was dragged down into the pool while the
galfren was rescued by his
boyfren whom is gd wit locks-breaking as he broke the handcuff.
seducer was drowned n the
couple lived happily ever after .... =.=''
aft the show..i thought to myself,GUYS!!
if u all want ONS,be careful...hahaha,a moment of foolish may lead u to a series of mental stress or even hurt ur loved TWICE.. :( finished lunch!!back to study...A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 !!!tata ^_^
4/29/2007 08:56:00 PM
SUNDAY 29 APRILyo!lazy to blog since last week,nw finally gt the mood to do so.LOLZ
YTD,went to
ZOO wit
jinjin aiwee kelly :) mit 10am + then took a cab there.
so thru out the visit inside the zoo,i took out my w810i n
snap snAP SNAP ^_^(PHOTOS ALL BELOW :) :) :) ^_^)but stupid zoo,diff frm last time le,the
so many cute animals cannot be seen.i was abit bored,kind of diff feelings compared when we were small,young n innocent.. -.-''
tin the next time i go to the zoo,will be year 2017 bahs,cuz bring my future ''ah boy ah gal go'' LOLZ
4/29/2007 08:56:00 PM
then we head home at 5pm,at least i finally get to c almost all of the animals! :)
so CUTE,i realli love animals! :)Then,we hit LOT 1,bought
VALERIE de present,and head back to cwp.
searching searching searching...
trying hard to spy on those restaurants,fastfood places,foodcourts n eating places,all either got alot ppl Q-ing...or we R sick of the food.CWP is so lousy,so we end up decided on
ZE CHAR ( zhu chao )..
so CHEAP MAN!!4 dishes wit 6 plates of rice,all in a total of $28.80!! haha.smmore the food quite delicious for my
picky tastebud :P end i ate 3plates of rice,n paid $7.20 nia!! :)
4/29/2007 08:56:00 PM
soOOoo full soOo bloated,we stroll our way back to CWP,n slacked there.while chit chatting wit jinjin at the B1 fountain there...saw
DICKSON,MING YUAN,ALAN and his fren :) those r my classmates.smiled n waved,n less than a few seconds,
LEONG KIAT strolled past n join in our chat while waiting for his buddy :) haha..
then,i begged
jinjin etc to watch 200pounds,they either tired or not interested or no $$..
well,i tin i ll catch it myself on TUE morning.. point forcing ppl rite?:Psoon,we headed home n i fell dead on my bed again,
without brushing bathe n
wo cai wo cai wo cai cai cai :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :-(
4/29/2007 08:56:00 PM
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
WEDnesDAY 25 APRiloooOOooOss....I din slack today!!haha..PROMISED to realli work harder by not dozing off..listen attentively in hw b revise..haha,i tin i had a gd start.. :) :) :)EARLY MORNING..saw mr justin came back :( how i hope he's nv back..but he was there,screaming his heads off at the whole sch issues abt wat stolen hp not the sch fault wat CONFISCATE those cyclists who ride their bicycle in VISTA PARK ???????????????? LMAO ROFL LOLZ..crazy >_<''..and he was there..shouting at a high pitch,machiam its NOT EARLY MORNING...crazy le...
4/25/2007 04:19:00 PM
then,nth much happen except for
S****D MR tan w.s talkings aft 2nd recess which made me LOLZ aloud..haha
W.S:now,i ask u,how many of u ARE sitting at ur own classes now?TTL: (huh???ARENT alot of us sitting in our own classes right now?except for a few ppls..)then he paisey and ask again..LOLZW.S:i mean,how many of u ARE NOT sitting at ur own classes now?PLS go back to ur own classes if u dun wan any trouble kaft 20s...nobody moved n continues talking away ROFLW.S:now,if u dun wan evday aft recess stand under the hot sun in the parade sq,then u better get back to ur classes now!aft 1 moves.. haha,,then he paisey n dimiss us asap..W.S:k,4e1,get up n go back to ur classroom now...4e2...blablabla...TTL:(giggling away...huh?i tot u juz nw sound so fierce wan to punish us yet u DIMISS us back to class??hahha..tats juz show how useles* u are still AS A SLA*KER..hahaha)
4/25/2007 04:19:00 PM
on the way home,i was
scared by a dog...damm dog,charging at me suddenly when i was catching my fav hits in my normal reaction is to siam
luckily for me,the owner got hold of the chain n say sori to me. -.-''
i was malu,then i turn n look around,c got familiar faces whom i nod SAW my frightened reaction anot...
DAMM.. damm..well,changed my blog de song to tis
SIXTH opening ALONES by AQUA TIMEZ :) :)love the song soooo much n its realli short... :( full version haven release :(
TATA! ^_^
4/25/2007 04:19:00 PM
Saturday, April 21, 2007
SATURDAY 21 APRILyo yo hi!!! ^_^
Disappear for 1 wk,nw back to blogging... :)
tis gonna be a damm long post!FRIDAY 20 APRILWent out wit my dad n mum to
BOUNA VISTA to a guy's hse to make their
DENTURE (fake teeth :P )..tis guy runs an illegal business of making denture for ppl but more cheap,hence my parents refer to him :)
at first..i was in a foul mood...becuz of my stupid hair -.-'' so short tat watev i wear..i dun c any NICE anymore..dammdammdamm....duno hw to style too.. :(
4/21/2007 01:46:00 PM
in the lift to the guy hse...MUM:aiya...the denture sure v. expensive de...
DAD:dun wori,since i'm making mine,i will pay for urs too :) i got the money ready.
MUM:dun wan la..i pay myself..u pay urs jiu ok le..
Their son :ma,i pay for u la,$150 nia,then..treat it as ur coming MOTHER's day present n BIRTHDAY present lorr :P haha,then i nod need get u anytin liaoZ :P!
DAD:how can u buy a DENTURE for ur mum's mother's day n birthday present?-.-
MUM:dun wan la!u no work no $$ le!
Their son:haha!juz jk la,i will get u ur fav gold necklace de la :)hahahahha!i purposely wan disiao my mum,so i no nd get her present in MAY.. lolz.. so they made the dentures n we head to my old hse in
KAMPONG BAHRU visit my uncle,whu recently had an operation..
then for the past half an hr,i sat between my uncle n my dad..i was...listening to their
''exchanging'' of VULGARITIES across each other..haha,they tok abt other ppl,n wit each sentences,they ended wit knn lanjiao or na beh...while my mum outsid gossiping wit a auntie.. LOLZ ROFL... :P
4/21/2007 01:46:00 PM
soon enough,my sister came along,n we went to another uncle hse which is onli beside tis uncle hse...haha,then saw my 2 cousins
VICTORIA again.haha,they were so
cute as usual..then i took out my hp,snap their parents n sister's pic too :) :)

4/21/2007 01:46:00 PM
then we head off to
CHINATOWN de hawker centre to makan.. My dad,mum n me share a pig liver soup wit 4 bowls of rice evtin for $7.50 nia!so cheap!but the soup not so nice..
AND THEN,it was so funni tat the hawker centre ventilation was realli bad,ev1 was coughing when the seafood stall was frying samba chillies!!! hahah!u cant imagine the ppl around u all coughing on the same time..LOLZ..aft the rice,my mum n i was still hungry,she got herself fish porridge n a desert..i then Q half an hr for my FRIED OYSTER :) :) then i share wit my dad,its yucky though!n the oyster is so raw n disgusting! aft tat head home..
it was so fun,thru out tis yrs,we hardly went out together like tis in a whole family,i was delighted n mood becm happier! :) i felt tat..wit my family jiu gou le,i dun need any1 else :P hehe
4/21/2007 01:46:00 PM
Look at tis pic!

my dad disiao,dun wan the CNY deco le,jiu paste them on the rubbish chute!
i came to define..PARENTS.. also love to act cute :P
aft recess on the way to class....
JUSTIN:Teck leong!u come here!
JUSTIN:i'm gonna send u home nw,u go back to ur class,pick up ur bag n mit me in the admin office!
TTL: (looking down,but smiling at the floor! hehe,i was thinking : YES!can go home early!but..)
JUSTIN:AND i'm gonna call ur mother,tel the principal tat WGS is gg to kick u out!its the end of ur education!u cm back repeat,wit tis kind of hair so long n coloured,R u telling me u r more than a SEC 5 ?LOOK!even the sec 5 hav decent hairstyle!
TTL:(du lan look..) I show u tml BLACK hair wit short length lar... (cursing him wit ABCs..)
then he turn n tok to other ppl...while i touching my fringes,n smiling away..lolz...
JUSTIN:I giv u 1 last chance,U GO BACK TO UR CLASS NW,n show me decent hair tml!
TTL: (aren't u gg to send me hm!!!!??? DAMM! wat go back class?...=.='' ) OK! (sianz diao..i tot can skip lessons...)
so aft sch..i head to PROTRIM again..n trim my hair..damm short... :( :( :(
4/21/2007 01:46:00 PM
TUESDAY 17 APRILwent to choir syf at VCH today.
bad day.
i scolded 2 strangers.its bad of me,i dun wan to act,i'm a gd boy.haha
then..choir got
BRONZE!!! :)
fellow juniors...DUN be so sad n sob..tin abt it,BRONZE is also an achievement right ? :) its far beta than COP :)hmm and i seriously tin tat,u ppl did beta than us!!the way u all naturally..n u'all de singings..realli,u all sang beta than us!!!!its ok to get a bronze nw,for those whu can hav syf 2 yrs later,put in more effort n get a GOLD for us! dun cry le k,no 1 blaming u ppl,in fact,we can c ur effort n the way u all display the songs :) THUMBS UP! :) blame the stupid judges whu nv dig their ears tat day -.-'' LOLZSAT 15 APRILwent to c choir in their last practice..and head off to bugis to find the earring i wan :)
then had a long chat wit jinjin at cwp for almost 3hrs!! then head home..
hmmm..finally blog finish frm last wk till nw,haha.will update if got time,
STUDY x3 :)tata!! ^_^
4/21/2007 01:46:00 PM
Thursday, April 12, 2007
FffffffffRRrrrriiIDayyyyyy 13Darn tis stupid
FRIDAY 13!!!i onli realised today is the 13th tat falls on a FRI aft i overheard yulin in my class told her friend -.-''
then i starts to overlook back wat happen ever since the clock strikes 12am ytd night...damm :(
[My Sway FRI 13th =.='']ytd..
1)i had a
quarrel wit my dad,n i ignored him when he asked me smtin.. :( sorry..
then tis morning..i wanted veri much to communicate wit him..but juz dunno how :( :( :(
so i juz went to sch..feeling v. depressed..
2)as i enter the sch,stupid
MOLE LEE cm catch me ask me tuck in.i ignored him n went towards my class folding in my uniform..then he halted me..
ASKED me to tell aside n tuck in 1st.i scold him qibuy n tucked in..
tucked in liaoz he
STILL wan checked!walao...damm asser..then say my back nt properly tuck in..ask me tuck in
AGAIN!!>_< so i du lan,n went round the other side,n walk away frm him..
3)then when i was walking to classroom,i kicked the drain n almost fell down >_<'' shit man..i hope nobody saw.. well..tats already enough to made me sianz sway
,i hate FRI 13th i decided to stay home today..until midngt then its over bahs tis stupid day -.-''
then i hav my
TV marathon again..haha
9.10pm,smtin funni hp rings n i took a peep..its my
mum,i'm so surprised cuz normally she dunno how to
sms de..k,tis is wat happen.
the msg reads:
4/12/2007 07:47:00 PM
:) :) :) B-) ;-( :-pno txt but all the simileys....... -.-'' i .. i was like... =.=''
MY mum actually sent tis??????immediately i rang up my mum.
ME:Hello...MUM:yes?ME:y u sent me tat msg??MUM:hehe (chuckling softly..)ME:wat HEHE?u tin like tat v. cute huh??MUM:MEI MA (pretty or not?) ?ME:...... -.-'' mei ur head la.u nth beta to do la.wat time cm hm?haha,i may sound rude but i stil say it in a joking manner,LMAO..suddly i felt my mum so cute..sent me tis kind of msg.then when she reached hm,she told me cuz she was exploring her hp n found those simileys..
ROFL..haha so cute..hmm..tml gg to c choir for their last practice b4 competing in SYF ! :) then go bugis wit
jin kelly wee..ALL THE BEST! ^_^
..15mins more then i wont sway +_+''
darn FRi 13 darn
tata! ^_^
4/12/2007 07:47:00 PM
THURSDAY 12 APRIL waahahaha...morning woke up damm
JIN SHEN cuz i finally slept more than 5hrs!! :DD then evtin i do,i feel happi doing them,n also hav the energy to do so :) but..
MASS RUN i walk as usual,ignoring the
100 SQUATS punishment.. :P so left hand carrying my hp,wallet n earpiece (scare kana steal -.-),stroll wit cHIn CheE..
we end up the last 2 to complete 2 rounds 16mins+ =.='' LOLZ so we began our 100 squats.
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 all the way till
20 then we ''rest''...haha,then start again.. 31,32,
50 HAHAHA..then mr
BEN n BILLY halted n gave us n other offenders chance cuz today got NAFA :DD end up we onli do 30+ squats nia..LMAO..
CHINESE lesson!got back test paper!i got
55/70 LOLZ wahahah!pro eh??but its last yr de NOV o'lvl paper la..
BUT I REALLY FORGOT ALL LE LORR..juz tried my v. best :P
CHEMISTRY:i broke 1 boiling tube even b4 i start the experiment -.- -.- -.-'' SIANZ..
ENGLISH:had an enjoyable ang moh lesson wit
4/12/2007 07:47:00 PM
then omg..its
NAFA test..i'm so old,took tis stupid test for 5yrs le!so sianz..n i got no confidence of passing or getting gold at all!!! :( but i ''
assistance'' by classmate (for sit & reach only!) :P the end,below are my ''achievements'' :DD
SIT & REACH: 47cm (GOLD!) VERTICAL PULL UP: 8 attempts (GOLD!) SHUTTLE RUN: 9.9s (GOLD!) SIT UP: 45 (GOLD!) STANDING BOARD JUMP: 240cm (4 points -.-)Darn! 2.4km RUN: 9.45mins (GOLD!)(P.S Tis is not showcasing of my results FOR showing off,hao lian or act 1 pattern -.- ,its juz blog for fun.or simply juz TYCO -.-'' dun kao beh me or spam me! :P laugh at my academics if u wan,aww.. how i hope tis is my result for O'lvl hahaha ..)
4/12/2007 07:47:00 PM
as for standing board jump,our class was so hilarious!!!!haha.tis is wat happen,dunno whu came up wit
FALLING DOWN AFT CHIN CHEE starts jumping,then when he landed,they all
fell on the ground machiam EARTHQUAKE!LOLZ..then more guys frm 4e4 came n join us when
SUFI's turn to jump.haha.
JIA WIN video it down!so funni!
LOLZ more than 10guys fell deliberately n ROFL..hahah,call us childish if u wan,but its realli
well..aft tat went to canteen for a short drink..saw
HAZIMAH today.. :DD
hazimah stil remember my name sia,i'm shocked.LOLZ then i walked hm,then suddly rememb
NO LUNCH COOK today! =.= so i whip up sm fries n 1st time touching the wok cooking n ate
MY OWN man,i began to hate fries le....yucky..
alrite,going to abit revision today n slp early..
...N read BLEACH!!!!!!! :DD :DD
...forget it,let all ends it here,i'm tired..u R obviously too..i will keep our memories deep in my heart.. forgets u..byebye.
Tata! ^_^
4/12/2007 07:47:00 PM
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
ITs tuesday morning n 1 more week to CHOIR SYF competition!!
last night found out frm Ms Phua (who msg me ''Rememb to bring tie!!" LOL) tat they gonna hav intensive practices tis wk,so scarry..they evday got practices except for sunday -.-'' but anyway,WISH THEM ALL THE BEST IN GETTING A HIGH SILVER OR A GOLD :)
well,i woke up late,becuz i had a bad nite..couldn realli fell slp thinkin all abt the unnecessary issues..damm..
as usual,brush my teeth..bathe..n wax my hair :DD

cool rite?hehe wan to nod me sms me or tag me,I'm Available :P :P :P LOLZ
4/10/2007 10:27:00 PM
hmm then reach sch,so damm tired,
1st 2 periods of GEO,i was dozing off..i was damm slppy...
SRY MS CHEE... :( i din catch a single phrase u taught today.then when
TRIED to be energentic n tried out the MATHS q..then dunno why,suddly becm frustrated in cant solving the q,jiu sat up straight n fight the qn ... HAHAHA i tin tats how i wok up bahs...
spent the whole hr solving 2 damm hard =.='' hav to consult the guy beside me..erm..
Ridhuan alot...haha..
OK,1st recess,
ate 2 bowls chicken soup noodle,
2nd recess,
ate ANOTHER bowl of CSN..LOLZ..ev1 was shock at my weird appetite n aft tat,all the guys went to the hall for early assembly.
GALS wasnt allow in,guess it was
sextalk or watev??
then an old guy pops up,n talk to us abt
yawns* so boring..then went back to class slack while its the GALS turn to listen to tat old guy preaching.. :P
MDM shuryati mood damm gd,smiling n smiling like an old ah ma..haahahaa n she cancel choice today..hehe so i went to cwp,purchase
BLEACH vol 21 & 22 n went hm..
4/10/2007 10:27:00 PM
Sunday, April 08, 2007
SATURDAY 7 aprilSet off home at around 12pm++ to mit jinjin go wisma to repair his hp..i was at the bus stop waiting for buses..then i grip out my earpiece..
!!i forgot to bring!as i was afraid perhaps i left it outsid my hse de shoe rack,i rang up my dad quickly n asked him to checked for him,while i quickly picked up my speed n walked back home..
ME:pa,my earphone got anot?
PAPA:got la,u left it in the dining table (walking towards the door,holding my earpc..and my TUPPERWARE water bottle i used at home...??? )
ME:(puzzled..??) wa!SIAO!ask u take earpc u take water for!!??
PAPA:kill u AH!!scare u eat le the hotdog bread then thirsty pass u drink u scold me SIAO!ME:hahahaha..paisey paisey la..haha (smiling n LOL) k BYE!!
PAPA:u beta cm hm early aH!muz eat k!not i dun hav money for u,u muz eat if not u wont grow!ME:-.- HA nA HA na..kao..hahah..sry dad,for scolding u
SIAO suddenly,the word juz spit out frm my mouth,din mean it :P hmm..then we reach wisma,on the way,jin n i shares alot of tins together..hehe,its been long i tok to him so long le :) aft repairing his hp,we went to shaw house makan..intending to watch movie,but it was so expensive..n no nice movie recently :( but end up,we decide to watch 300!but its M18.. -.-''
4/08/2007 02:13:00 PM
we decide to buy other ticket n sneak in though..haha,so its 2.30pm,i went to ask the ticket booth for 300 de ticket..
(i try to buy M18 de first see whether she allows..) shit!there's onli left less than 10 seats n all was in the front...walau..i was so we walk underpass to
FAR EAST PLAZA..i dun intend to buy any clothes but i tin jin does,as he goes poly sure need alot clothes de bahs..
suddenly,i tot of getting our NEWBIE member card so we head to the outlet. to my surprise,
the lady stil remembers us :) haha,gd service though n jin bought a purple T-shirt for $25++ i..i was controlling n not buying :( as i tin i dun hav much savings left la..
then we walk the rest of bored.. so at
3.30pm,we discussed to go
AMK HUB walk walk...cuz both of us dun wanna go home tat early..then i saw my bank got $$ le!my last salary!LOLZ
4/08/2007 02:13:00 PM
the time past like so slow,when we reach
AMK HUB,it was onli 4pm..-.- then we walk,kao,almost all
ARE women shops...selling all tops bottoms lingeries accessories..walau,i onli saw 1 guy shop selling shirts.. :( haiz,weak sia AMK HUB...O,and the 1st floor 2nd open we include those floors to our '
'inspection'' 5pm ++,we completed our inspection...then i suggest gg hm early bored le.lolz
but end up we go cwp slack awhile..actualli wan break record by not spendin any $$ ytd..but end up i bought a earring n CD..i love tat earring so much tat i went to the washroom immediately n put it on...
OMG..the earhole of mine was too small!then we head back to the shop,to ask the lady help me put it on..she told me my ear hole too small,so she will pop the earring thru n will be v. painful..
of cuz..she already wan help me put,
I WAS ALREADY sat down..i cant chicken out,if not v. xia suay..hahaha,so i juz let her pop thru..
!!!!...series of pain cramp feelings..but i tahan in front of the lady -.-'' she can tell i v. pain,as i sweating already..haha,but nvm,in the end,it was in my ear,i love it so much. :) though its still pain last night..
Later,i went to Amiralty mit my mum help her take tins..then we buy dinner etc..she dun lik the earrings on my ear,she say enlarge the hole in my ear not gd..ugly.. haiz..but i hack care her.hahaa..reached hm,makan the claypot rice..n watch channel 5...
4/08/2007 02:13:00 PM
i hav been watching channel 5 recently..its so nice ytd the show
A WALK TO touching,but i guess love in REAL life,couldn be tat beautiful bahs.. -.-'' aft all the TV marathon..i'm damm tired n slept at 1.30am..but woke up trying to take out my earring...bth,getting v. painful..then i was so touched,cuz my sis dad n mum all advise me
JUZ LIKE A FAMILY,ask me take out n let the hole close..then my mum help me wit it..
so pain tat the feeling was ....err..disgusting..cramps..
Finally,i went to slp at 2am ++..
zZZzzz..SUNDAY 8 aprilWWWwwwWWOke up 12pm ++ then listen FM933..guess nth much will happen today,as i need to touch my books later :P i love studying so much..dunnoo y,recently develop tis urge to find out more abt wat i dunno abt the subs :) alrite!tata! (P.S pardon me for the long splited posts entries -.-'' )
4/08/2007 02:13:00 PM
Friday, April 06, 2007
(PART 1..)back to blogging .. hEllos~~~LOLZ i hav nt been blogging since..hmm so many days,simply becuz,i damm
LAZY :p no la..i study ok!i'm damm guai..listening in class..taking down notes n doing hw..experiencing back the secondary sch life juz like last yr :) i muz admit,when i first choose to repeat,it was lik so easy to say...but when really started in new 4e3,i cant stand the loneliness or new environment..
till i get to nod sm frens :) hehe..well,i'm quite alrite nw,i getting on fine :) muz thanks
MR IVAN LEE n MR TOH for encouraging me all tis while..nw i nod my priorties n i nod i hav to wake up and face the reality nw :)
tat day,SHUFENG came back to repeat to0..i was shocked to see her cuz u c,i tot she suppose to be gd wit her academics..but yes!she did,her score was so much better than FIONA's n mine.. but,we all FAILED maths...well..
BOON HAN,FIONA,SHU FENG,let us work hard n get an o'lvl cert tis yr alrite... :) jiayou!
4/06/2007 03:47:00 PM
(PART 2..)ahh....long holidays!!!!! its been soo ooooooo long i hadnt had a gd slp le ^_^and also last sunday,i hav resigned at NTUC le :) becuz i wanted to study during wkends instead of working n waking up so damm early..oso,i dun wanna get reprimand by tat asser FE******K hahaha..he's a faker alrite.. :(
well,i woke up automatically at
NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM vcd which i juz bought ytd :) :) so nice so funny,i LOLZ while eating my breakfast :P i wont touch any books,i wan a break..haha
4/06/2007 03:47:00 PM
(part 3..)ppl,pardon me for blogging in so many splited posts... -_-'' blame the stupid blogger causing so may ppl problems,lousy system,yet we're depending on it...chEEzE...n i will TRY TRY to blog evday IF possible..hahah
REPLY TO TAGS :JW:thks!i will pop by the website :) n no prob,i will update u,i resigned le ALINE:hehe paisey paisey,blog le ok :) ZIWEI:of cuz!! all cats are so damm cute :P but its gone le..i din c it liaoz.. :( ok will relink u asap MANDY: HIHI :) eh if u pop by again,leave ur URL k,tat time change blogskin,sm links gone :( PK:hahah ok update le la,will relink u asap :) JASLYN:u jesline huh?ok relink u asap :) MENG:hahha AHZHEN!update le la..paisey :P thks for popping by :)alrite,tata ! ^_^
4/06/2007 03:47:00 PM