Saturday, February 17, 2007
Happy new yr!!
today,my hse will be fill with relatives..and having my favourite steamboat reunion dinner!!
i'm...going to toss all troubles and thinkin on how to continue walk on my education path..
...toss away the urge to tin of u..tin of meeting up with u...tin of loving u again..
toss away all troubles now,
and enjoy new yr 2007!
luckily for me,actually i'm working today,but my supervisor called me n told me n xiao jian,that we can rest at home!!!!! as ytd i work frm 12pm till 2am le..damm lei de...
damm customers ask to change UGLY mandarins...haiz..but there r still sm kind hearted customers around too.. :P
those whu r nice,i gave 8 or more free mandarins :P :P hahahah
those guai lan,i guai lan back..
aiyayayayaa...NO MORE MANDARINS!!! -_-''
okok...going to help out wit steamboat,tata!
2/17/2007 05:34:00 PM
Thursday, February 08, 2007
4 & half hrs more...
i'm going to face the element tat ll change my whole life...
i yearn to take up MARINE engineering...
i wan to try tis course
i wish to travel on ship
and earn alot per month so to plan a stable future for my parents
and my other half..Be it gd or bad result...i nod i hav done my best..
i consult mr ivan lee for maths..
i hav force myself to read n study D&T..
for the 1st time,i hav finish the whole paper for S.s
and i hav tried veri hard for maths...
no matter wat,
no matter how much i type,
there wont be any difference..
i still hav to face it at 2.30pm..
aaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnxxxxxxiiiiiiioooooooouuuuuusssssssssssssss.....................veri anxious nervous fear...arghh~~
2/08/2007 12:02:00 PM
It's been ages since i last blog...juz too..busy,occupied with work,tv,slp & clothes..
clothes..ytd i went out wit jinjin kelly aiwee to FAR EAST to get clothes n anything tats nice.. aft browsing thru the LEVEL ONE...i'm like already shag n tired :( not much nice clothings exist in FAR EAST...nvtheless,jinjin n i went up looking for more nicer clothes..less than an hr,he got 1,kelly got 1 & aiwee got 1 too..................-_-''
am i slow or i'm lousy choosing clothes????
then i pekchek,walked verri fast..looking for clothes..HAHAHA..end up bought a white T-shirt wit glitters n skulls etc... :) i onli spent $25.90 there! hohoho..aft tat,i went to work at 5pm..
PLANNED today to go out again wit jinjin to bugis buy clothes...but the plan was ruined... ....jin said he was tired as he was sick..n as for myself,i woke up late :P haha..n...i'm afraid to go bugis ...alone...
i'm afraid to c the person i most wanted to see,yet reluctant n feared to face..i dunno how i will least,wit a fren by my side,i can ...arghh~~ nvm,i sat then buy :)
2/08/2007 12:02:00 PM
So here i am,blogging again..
LOLZ..i tried to wanting to blog daily,but TV on chnl U,chnl 8 are simply too nice le!!!i spend my days,wit a new lifestyle,waking up..then set timer to record TV shows...aft tat set off for work..when i came back at 11pm++ ,i go bathe,n watches my tape..hahaha
ppl may tin tis kind of life is far damm lifeless,but when next mth arrives,if u c ur bank account suddly hav more digits than usual......
hehe wit $$,i can start buying the tins i adore..n more comics n watch more movies..hahaha..its quite worth it though i hav not much time to enjoy life.. but,i'm still young,time is nv enugh :) $$ also :p
BTW,today is my 1-&-only Xiaomei de BDAY!!!! hahaha i sing song for u kk!!:P
happi bday to u,
happi bday to u,
happi bday to xueyun,
happi bday to UUUUUUUU!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :)
sheng ri kuai le lo! haha..i wanted to get her a gift,she rejected,juz like how i rejected her gift last yr my bday..
but my bday wasnt realli a happi one though.. :( haah..anyway.hope u n ur laogong,happily living lovelyyyyy forev!! :)
2/08/2007 12:02:00 PM

O ya!!
tis kitten cute bahs~~~ HAHAA
lately,it kips loitering aroud my blk...i dunno if got ppl breed or not...
but i decided it to be my new pet :) tho..i cant kip it in my lao pa dun allows.. :( nvm..
dunno y,tis cat recognise me,likes to play wit my hand..n nod i wld feed it daily..haha ytd,10pm ++,my sis rang me n told me tat the kitten was meowing~~ outside on the was waiting for me!! :P
i was so excited n happi n went to buy some tuna canned food for tis kitten..
aiya..i named it ''bad boy'' laaa...ahhaha veri cute man!!!
okok..i dun wan nag nag...juz wanna share tis cute kitten wit ppl nia -.-'' friday....wth...i dun wish to face the fact so quickly................. :( hope i can get enugh points to get into MARINE ENGINEERING .....
sayonara! :)
2/08/2007 12:02:00 PM