Friday, December 15, 2006

Shiiiiiiiiiiiii...........Xinnnnnnnn........huiiiiii..............!!!!! >_- chiiiioooooo si le!!!!! LOLZ :P
aww..i cant go her autograph session :( ...kk... going to slp le sia,tis few days veri busy to blog,next time off jiu blog k...
hope ppl enjoy the song : )
luminous ended at 1.05am :D
12/15/2006 12:46:00 AM
Friday, December 08, 2006
hii :D i changed my blog song again =.='' boliaoz mahs :P.. hmm tis song,is a song by zhang zhi cheng!title is QUAN YU.. my com doesnt recognise chinese..thus i translate myself into angmoh..hahah dun giggle at my F9 eng k!! :) hmm..there's sm tin i wish to clarify..and there's a reason for me to put tis song in my blog..i believe..there's always a reason or purpose for evtin i do...and there is onli one reason to put tis song QUAN YU... ...becuz..i felt tat..i had revitalised! :D ...i admit tat its not fully yet...not totally..but i'm forgetting u!which bodes a good sign! :D ..during all tis while..i muz admit,i put on a mask..SK 2 de facial mask la,a mask indeed..frens c me smiles,giggle,i blog also machiam happi kuai le go lucky,but..i hid my trueself,deep within my heart...u all cant c how i home..a completely changed person...i'm not crapping here or wat..i juz wish to be trueful,n take down my mask.. YES..i'm greatly hurt aft broke up..of cuz,i'm hurt..whu wldn??its not a decision i wanted to made..i wish..we could last..but i dun hav the chance :( so i made tat fateful decision..frm tat day on,i live wit pain,hurts n work work numb myself..frm tinking of u...but tat job,onli last me for 4days..aft the work,wat do i do? ..i rot at home...ev min,ev sec,i dunno wat to do..i can c tat,u r living life wit happiness,frens n love..
12/08/2006 11:31:00 AM
Thursday, December 07, 2006
....tis was the email i had gone thru times n times again..
i read tis letter,evtime i was online... :( i was wondering....y..y could ppl be so cruel to abort babies?or i shall say....foetus??...yes,perhaps u r experiencing money problems,love problems or mental stress,but how could a person bring herself to kill the foetus?the onli living element tat hav not even see the slightest sunlight,n bring u infinite amt of happiness n bliss????
there are alot more gruesome pics..poor babies being cut into half... :( veri sad...its a email my sis sent me...for now,i can assure everyone here tat,even if next time,how much pain n sufferings..i am going thru or my wife is.............i wouldn allow,NOT EVEN ALLOW my future wife to abort my precious baby!!! :( no matter how much sufferings i am to experience...i will not make any killings..... :(
luminous ended at 1.12am
12/07/2006 01:05:00 AM
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
YO! :D hhi ppl!!...tis blog is stil active okies...haha disappear so long not becuz i go KOREA horr :X its i go work wit jinjin as furniture mover... awwwww....... $5 per hr,11am till 11pm frm 29/12/06 till 3/12/06...LMAO!! n jinjin skip work on 1 day =.='' hmm...then today went to collect salary $_$ long nv touch money le!!! :) then b4 i talk abt wat happen during work,aiya,change blogskin...was so tedious.. =.='' i juz love the luminous [hey!my nick! LMAO...] green the board has for entries,thus i eliminated tat HEBE blogskin :( sad but nvm,my desktop wallpaper,is miss HEBE sweet sweet grin,smiling asking me to eat her up :P hahah juz jk... :) anyway,tagboard accidentally deleted!! :( oops..gone..tag kk :) hehe n tis green horr,is actually good for ur eyesight!!!! haha for those whu wear spectacles like me,oh man...shag rite? hmm..SOLUTION!! :P when come to my blog,take off ur spec n bring ur face nearer..but nt so near la to ur monitor..n read my entries la...hahah cuz those ah pek ah mm say b4,told me to go downstair c green grass in the moring then can reduce degrees,y not c my blog the morning??hahahah lalalalla..juz promoting :P ahahah hmm so bored nw,here i goes!
12/05/2006 04:47:00 AM