Monday, November 27, 2006

_______ 1 _______________________________________________2 __________________________________3
hahaa....these are the sences of them walking on the dirty urinated water in vivo top floor...yucks...hahaha noob sia :x 

Oh ya! these are the shots taken at habourfront shopping mall...
cute nice if one christmas tree like tis to be found inside my home =.='' haha naive liaoz...

11/27/2006 03:03:00 PM
Sunday, November 26, 2006
I can't fall asleep memories are still running the hurt i have taken today only the stars know.. how do i carry on becuz of tat misunderstanding i shed tons of sinful tears my heart hurt bitterly as i complained only to the darkness.. i hate tis emptiness as i can never ever forget abt tis and the lonely long night repeated itself..again n again But the way he look every mins of tears n smiles again the night remembers... u used to tell me those even the bad memories i dun care... I love you till i cant leave u even if the time ticks by ev single mins..
11/26/2006 02:52:00 AM
Thursday, November 23, 2006
anyway,tml i muz go out!muz!i wan to look for more jobs of NTUC or expectations not hard,juz dun wish to c alot customers..haha cuz working at stupid MAC makes me sick of the stupid SOS customers n china hao lian de the stupid managers..haiz...hmm so i was like since waiting for the hotel to phone me,i work other part time lorr :)
anyway,tata i going slp liaoz..nites everyone!i go dream HEBE le! :D
luminous ended at 1.10am
11/23/2006 03:30:00 AM

Started : 12.45am
HAHA!! hihi!
I've changed blogskin in the noon n upload a song by lin yu zhong named ''KONG QIU QIAN" ..veri nice sia!but i iweb music dun hav i convert until siaoz,n upload onto iweb :)n tis blogskin got HEBE!!wa...CHIO de lorr!! veri nice horr?enjoy!! XD slack at home sia =.='' cuz last night slept at 3am++ hmm..then wake up at noon lorr..i jiu on com,changed blogskin,see email,play MU..until 5pm,watch the SHOWBIZ!veri funny sia the DAN FEI BI JIAO HONG!! haha
ITs a grp comprises of Luo zhi xiang,Xiao gui n Xiao zhong..haha..i find xiao gui reali shuai sia his hair...hmmm..LMAO..laugh till my stomach veri pain..haha then i play com again at 6pm sia...!boring ma :x
nothing much happen today tv,eat,slp..haha A LIFE OF A PIG..hohoho! but rest assured la,i want to earn lots lots LOTS of $$ for tis months! Hehe...HEBE hehe..LOLZ..
O ya!tat time i saw PK XIAO JIE de email she forwarded...whoops!i saw the images MOVING slowly u nod!!!i cant believe it...i guess its becuz the images are close together..tats y...ok!i tok so much also no use,i upload the pics first :PO SHIT....cant upload lehs... =.='' aiya,those whu want the email tell me lorr :P i forward u or ask PK xiao jie forward u kk :P
It is said tat criminal saw the pics MOVING veri veri FAST!and the ''experts'' say tat if u see them moving slowly,it means the level of u handling ur stress...hoho..
determine urself :) haha but its quite fun la.. :)
11/23/2006 12:41:00 AM
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
k..i juz finish eating :) so bored so i blog..haha lazy to upload pics lehs =.= sry..i promise to blog pics the next time i blog okies!!! or else if got readers,sure sianz diao .......................................... =.='' haha till then,i now going play game sia! tata !
Luminous ended at 8.37pm :)yes..u no wrong....angel is dragging her wings...luminous is fading....enjoy ur freedom,i wont fan u liaoz :) thanks........
11/21/2006 08:36:00 PM
Friday, November 17, 2006
then cm indian lady help us lorr..haha slot in the keys,n we open frm inside....aft tat,cliff go find ronald ''fight''... hahas.. i choose to hack care... :) cuz is it my problem? ....ev since tat time the ''CUT Q '' tai chi,i told myself not to be so stupid to help ppl :P being kind,in a violence act,wont lead u far.. :P
so jinjin n i watched frm far lorr...saw cliff wit BIG ACTION n point here point there...aft tat he cm back veri hot say ronald NOD tat we r trapped,yet dun wan help...
LOLZ...i also dun care..cuz i dunno whether can trust ppl or not.i dun trust ppl easily...hmm...then i juz feel they veri cham bahs...
4 yrs frens relatnship = strained plain frens
anyway,its their taichi,nt mine :P juz hope they will be better frens bahs... like tat me n jerryl de 6 yrs frenship lehs ?hehe...miss him man :Phmm aft tat ronald like emo emo lorr...i also nth to say to him sia...i aft exam then ask HOW ? at least he reply la...if not i lose tis fren bahs :P then went dnt then went home...juz blog blog lorr...later going to AHEM!! hahaha going out later :) so nice,frens gathering again..but i 8pm plus then go,haha wan watch chalice fairy larrrrrrrr hahas anyway tata :P aft O then i blog wit pics again k byebye tata :P luminous ended at 6.45pm
11/17/2006 06:37:00 PM
Thursday, November 16, 2006
hiii :):) well...i'm juz veri touched n wanted to blog :P hehe,i c my tagboard..wa lao...stil got ppl care 4 me sia hohohohoho...THANKS danny kelly sam..btw..i quite ok le la...i find chances to talk to my mum le.....of cus,stil got other problems arise..... :( sad man,but i guy la,i can tahan de :) :) :) :) :)hmm.... DAnny,aft O,i find u go Drink beer ok ?but i easily face red de,dun mind ahh... :Palrite...going to study HiSTOry....tata :) luminous ended at 1.51pm
11/16/2006 01:45:00 PM
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Anyway..i hav place tis nice song by cao ge n zuo wen xuan...
ROmeo n Julia... it play only once,
so....finish listen THEN view my videos bahs.. hehe :P dun kajiao my pets horr ANGELA n NANDO beans...
tata :P ................... :(
11/14/2006 03:46:00 PM
Monday, November 13, 2006
VERY CUTE DE LORR!!!!! hahahaha omFg...i talk like a zha bor liaoz...haha :P
jialat,muz hav study too much lo... >_< hmm..anyway,sori guys,to hav blog one day entry in 3 entries...sori sori,cuz the stupid blogge dun let me type long...tin he also nod i veri lor sor de... so....if anyway read my entries,be sure to TAG TAG okieesss!!! :)
ok,i gtg now ...
tata 0_x'' hehe .....going back to study nw!
luminous ends at 4.52pm :P
11/13/2006 05:01:00 PM
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Tis mv ben cao gang mu is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I love it very much :) :) :p hehe juz look at jay's dance steps....wowowwwww.....lolzhmm....I can blog liaoz...with abit txt la,too many the stupid blogger dun access me..ASsS~ haiz...aft O then repair com....12 more days to FREEDOM..... --.''i'm walking tis path...with u..frequent ''jy'' de was pleasant...but,I'm taking tis O lvl..without much of ur support...ur love...ur care...i pin for ur msg evday...EVDAY!when i c colours tat u adore,c devil hart aches...i nod tat u need to concentrate fully..tats y i dun blame u nor did i go to ur hse n knock ur door...i'm hurt,dun u tin tat we're drifting apart ? ?...we've...thus becm stranger towards each other...i wld nv c ur name,in my received call list anymore...msg contents..its becoming lesser...shorter...colder....will we be the same aft O??i...dun nod....jiaoyou in ur exam,hope u can score n go for the course u adore...all the best,hope u can excel,i'll always luv u n wait for ur positive response....can me DAR again?i miss it :( ''
11/08/2006 04:08:00 PM